We will be returning from bc may 6 so get the party started. Let's have a stack of shots when we spill back into the sexy pool!
I'm bummed, we're going to miss you by a day. Leave me your hat and you'll remain at Temptations in spirit( I'll take over 20's duty..)
I'll be there May 18th until June 1st. [emoji1166][emoji267]☀️[emoji41][emoji484][emoji1417] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The cruise planned for Monday May 2nd is now open for deposits. Details of the day and how to book can be found at the link below: Cancuncare Boobs Cruise Monday 2nd May (Provisional) The next cruise to open will be the one planned for Friday 6th May and it will open 6th April at 1pm Cancun time.
:mnm: Fireball....I personally don't like it or drink it. I have found the Fireball Box which is in 2-1.75 pouches. We will be there May 13-19. It's not a bad price for the box. Who wants needs us to bring you some? :lotsofmichaelfs:
What an awesome offer to make. I don't know you but hopefully our paths will cross one day. You are the type person that makes TTR such a unique and great place. How many resorts have people who regularly bring extra stuff just to make it a better experience for everyone? Very cool!