theme nights What is the difference between the resort them nights & cancunecare them nights. We will be first timers and was just wondering? Thanks in advance
Coachflop! TTR theme nights are night that have had to help entertain the guest like " White Night" , lingerie/Casino Night. They are fun but we at Cancuncare added some themes to make it alittle more fun!! TTR theme nights are set. Cancuncare theme nights are voluntary! Everyone is welcomed to enjoy the Party! The theme added some fun to it! The girls at TTR seem to like the theme nights! They get to dress very Sexy and fit right into the night!!! :headbanger::headbanger::headbanger: I love to do it.It's just Fun!!! :ernaehrung015::ernaehrung015:
ABC ideas: Duct tape, body paint, electrical tape, plastic wrap, feather boas, toilet paper, garland, caution tape, you nyou or just no fabric.
The resort dress codes ideas are in the descriptives advice. So like Saturday is suggested people dress in red.
We just got our dates set, had to wait till our work schedule settled. We did not know if we would be able to make April or May. Did not think it would be right for us to have voted on weeks we may not attend. By the same token, is it right for those people that are not going to be at resort during a week to object to the preferences of those that actually will be there? Those persons who will actually be present should be able to have themes they want to participate in, that is the whole goal/purpose. You do one heck of a job with this theme layout!! Thank you very much for trying to lasso all of the moving parts.