Alright Rob, get the place warmed up for us. We are coming in hot to Temptation around 7:30am on Sunday 5/3!
Yep that is what I am no one gives a shit what shape your in at TTR. But I plan on getting back in shape for my next trip for Halloween......well that is what I always say every May I will have your Crown ready for ya when you get there Mike
Sounds like a normal night out here!!!!!! As a matter of fact, tonite!!!!!!! As JB and the Moonshine Band say, is my neck as red as the blood that's in veins ... The answers Yes. Best song ever!!
Oh WOW! Just got up & checked the bikini contest thread..We're still in the lead! :icon_eek: I never thought I'd even be a finalist! Thanks everyone! June Junkies are still pushing hard to bump me out though (despite them having 2 June ladies in the top 3) Looks like Steve's contest has brought out everyone's competitive spirit! :aktion070: As long as its still all in fun that's OK. I see our other May beauties got some more votes now too thanks to everyone putting the word out! That's awesome!! :cheerleaders: I feel like a little May family with you guys already & I haven't met you yet!!! Thanks! Chris :liebe011: p.s. Have a great Saturday! 9 more days til sexy pool! artyhorn: Toning up the bod for all the body shots Kevin has promised.. on my behalf! LOL
K@ & Loren at the John Conlee concert at Big Texas! Just how we party while waiting for TTR in 11 days!