We have done 10 nights prior three years. This year we are back to 7, last year was not our favorite. But we had to go in June due to family responsibilities and decided it would be May or nothing!! We are lucky, we both prefer cheap alcohol. So the stuff at TTR is an upgrade to what we drink!! Lone star beer n McCormicks vodka!!!!!!
Getting so excited!!! Just noticed my signature ticker says 25 days left today!! Eeek! Thanks for the tips on where to get the booze! Love this forum! Chris
Officially I go back to work the next day but, since I work from home, it will be 2 "light duty" days and then a weekend before I have to get serious. Gotta save those PTO days for having fun, not recovery. LOL
I didn't say I was recovered just good enough to go to work, I will still be moving slow for a while.