Some of our family left for Mexico today (not temptations) still so jealous and wishing our trip would come sooner! This cold weather just sucks, I need some sun and a cold drink around the sexy pool about now!
After having a blast a week ago, we're trying to firm things up to be back again for my birthday on May 30th. Looking like May 24-31. Definitely need a Boobs Cruise in there too! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Looks like we are getting hit with another foot of snow tonight into tomorrow. C'mon May get here soon. We just hit 99 days to go!!! This is gonna be a great trip.
Oh Great...we are probably going to get it shortly then Just remember when it snows it ain't - 30, lol. Well that's what I keep telling myself anyways...
Got up to 77 today at home.... but alas, I'm not at home... In Syracuse NY where I think it broke 30 before the 5-10 inches of snow comes in tonight. OK.. for al those looking for date updates.. I know you want to see your dates but hang in there... I have a full time job that takes me on the road half the time. So right now I do an update a week and will get more often as we get closer. Usually takes about an hour of dedicated to catch everything up. Jamie
My girlfirend and I will be at TTR May 10-16th. This is going to be my second year back and her first year at TTR. Lets show her a good time! Just a few more months. We are super excited!:biggrinbandit: Jamie: May 10-16th (Matt and Brittany) :mexicoflag:
Nope. Im theoriginalparrothead 's son. We met a few times last year in the Sexy Pool. I don't blame you. Lot's of people and a whole lot of drinks.haha