Be in Cancun around 11:30 tomorrow morning. About to turn this shit up. Can't wait to see all you crazy ass people. Let's go.......
Work partial day tomorrow then drive to Chicago for Friday morning flight, see you all then!!!! Cheers!
Ok, just one last day of work tomorrow and we are done! Unfortunatly, it's gonna be a tough one, but we will get trough it! The beer will only taste better (along with the AIWC). oh yeah and we have to start packing asap! cant wait to party!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
All packed and ready to set sail 5am in the morning....A few bloodymarys in Charlotte should begin to prime the pump......:flash: and :daveandmo: by 1pm...See all our crazy friends when you arrive...
One week from today I will be Feeling so Damn Good!! Cannot wait to see all our friend and make many New Ones!! Whoo Hoo!! Debbie