USA Transfers booked and express check-in completed. 7 more sleeps!!! well, 6 sleeps then a realllly long day since we have such an early flight! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Not really!!! I just got out of hot tub after "many many drinks" and the first thing I did was check phone to see if team member had his stuff done for the final presentation Saturday morning. However it will dilute the issue with enuff drinks. Now excuse me will I go pass out. First day curse came early and many show up again before we leave.
To our old friends and soon to be friends who are heading to TTR this week (you know who you are lol)...have a safe trip. We fully expect you to get the place warmed up for when we get there next week. It's so close I can feel it. I am getting quite giddy lol
2 FRIGGIN DAYS!!!!! I have to say it is so stressful to go on vacation. SOOOOOO much to get ready (due to children and such). I can't wait to relieve this stress and my top
Mayhem See you there, Express check in done, packing underway, Boob cruises booked, just flight tickets to arrive, 12 days to go...yippeeeee Have a good flight, hope to see you around the sexy pool
Did I ever tell you that working for a living sux We have to work straight through the weekend. But on a better note I took the last two days of work off before vacation :cheerleaders: