They did last year, but moved them down the beach by the volley ball area, will be good to see you guys too!
Sound the alarms. It's officially MAY!!! Crack a cerveza, pour a (drink), lose most of your cloths and make new friends! And most important ... Make us all proud! Wishing a great trip to all the Mayhem, whatever part of this month is yours to party!!!
We are 3 weeks away from paradise. We are so ready for this vacation. Can't wait to party with everyone.
I know it's always good to have backup :ernaehrung024: We're going to party :musik026: Never know what MAY happen :bj: in MAY :ernaehrung005: artytime::daveandmo::69::69::69::mnm::bj::headbanger::flash::flash::flash:
Wow, one more week and we will be at TTR for two great weeks of seeing old friends and making new ones. It will also will be great to see all of our great friends on the staff at TTR. It is hard to believe it will be two years. Only second time we have missed in about 17 to 18 yrs. Got a lot of partying to make up for sure. Just need this vacation and getaway. Come by and say hello if you do not know us. Usually will be wearing a University of Tennessee hat or just ask Jamie, he can point me out. See you soon. Party on CCC and TTR people!!
We will be there on the 10th, as well. Where in SC are you from? Haven't met many people there that are from SC. Trina