Express Check in done. Not that you don't have to still fill out some paper work and be as nice as possible to the timeshare person but geez this will be trip 15 or more so I think if we were going to buy in we would have by now. Oh well, come on May 14th!!!:sunny:
You haven't been posting much lately!!!! Get your a$$ on here and keep me entertained for the next 36 hours and I wouldn't have to complain! :headbanger:
Really hoping that it's just a false positive D-dimer! If not and you're able to get treated and cleared, make sure you follow the advice of the docs...DVT's are nothing to play around with. Take precautions during your air travel, like compression stockings and moving around as much as possible. And #1 important thing......WATER, WATER, WATER!!!!! Alot more water than alcohol...sorry Hope it's just a false alarm....everything is crossed for you!
Good point...humble apologies, lol. Might be we are a tad jealous that we have 17 days left and both of you are in the "hours" range
Down to 9 days and 12 hours before we get abored the big bird headed to paradise, not that we are getting excited or anything. That's BULLSHIT!!! Super exited and have finally been able to get the Express check-in completed. Drinks on me at the sexy pool!!! :ernaehrung015:
Yeah, hear you on that is going south real fast with management right now which makes it the wait even worse.
Added to the roll call... let me know when you add an avatar and I'll update the roll call with it. Jamie