Express check-in blond girl got it! Express check in is done - just waiting for my email confirmation! 10 days, 19 hours, 26 min., 42 seconds!!:aktion069:
It seems like Temptation has several web domains Which are different only one has the express check in link.
Just 6 more days for us. Express check-in done. Packing underway. What with all the fancy dress, accessories, toys and Gail's shoes there is practically no room for 'normal' clothes (who does 'normal' at TTR anyway?). Bring it on! :beer4:
Glad I'm not the only one blond fumbling around on the website! See you there on the 8th!:huepfen021:
This is my first post on this forum, been lurking for a month or two since my friends decided to have my friends bachelor party at temptations. I will be there with our group of 10 of us!!