The cruise scheduled for Thursday May 15th is now open for deposits. You can find out more about the day and how to make your booking via the link below: The next cruise to open will be the one planned for Monday 19th May and it will open on Saturday April 19th at 1pm Cancun time.
24 days till Temptation for 14 nights..........awwwwwww bring it we are so ready now !!!!!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Countdown... three more trips after the one I'm on, 11 more nights in hotel rooms, and 12 more flight segments before I climb aboard a plane to start the trip for vacation! Whoot Whoot!!!!! Jamie
Yesterday morning had to get in my vehicle on the passenger side because drivers side was frozen shut!! :angrymad: I am so tired of scraping windows and shoveling. COME ON MAY!!!! Debbie
Hell yea !! 23 more days, then TTR.... Just about to piss on myself....alcohol and boobs. What more could a man ask for ???