Now that would be a sight.. Frank yes please!!! Pick out something nice, and let me know what color so I can coordinate. Cha cha.
We've obviously never met.. I'll do anything an a dare. Just know I'm a pretty big guy so bring something that you don't mind getting stretched!
can't wait to get to TTR! Sitting at airport waitin for flight to England lol! So wish it was Mexico!!!!! 2 months now everyone xoxo. This is my mini TTR seeing smickey tomorrow
Cool we did the same with Party2 last weekend, have fun while you back here in blighty in the cold and the wet lol and its weird we going to have to wait till we fly half way round the world till we meet you!!
After a quick birthday trip to Key West and a visit to Adult Fantasy Gift Store we found a few outfits for TTR theme nights. Now just a few more to find online:aktion033: 56 days to go ... Woot Woot!!!!