Unfortunately we had to change our dates to April. We are so bummed! Everyone have a wonderful time. Maybe we will get to have fun with you next year. Keep us posted!
Well maybe after you do the warm up with the April crowd this year you can party with the pros next year... But hey, anytime at TTR is good! Jamie
Hey Jamie. You have me leaving 2 days early... Carol and I will be at the resort 9 days not 7. 12th-21st. So looking forward to partying with all my BBG friends and all the new ones we can't wait to meet. Cheers.
Great job Jamie, we'll have to buy ya's a few drinks when we get down there for all the work you do, mucho gracias :xyxthumbs:
I second the Great Job!!! Just wondering, what's the percentage of people who go to TTR that are on this site? About how many people could we expect to be at TTR in May?
If I had to make a guess I would say that on most days the people at the resort that actually come to this site would be less than 10%
Thinking the resort has almost 400 rooms, guessing May to be near capacity the whole month....has been in the past, but we haven't been there for a few years, so some things may have changed. As far a CC'ers....hard to say, but M-n-K are probably pretty close imho. Not to worry, you'll have plenty of "new friends" while you're there....guaranteed.....we think the weather is the best in May.
great to see you guys are going to be there same time as us,really missed you the last few times we were there.
HI GUYS!!! We will certainly look forward to seeing ya's!!......It's certainly nice to hear we've been missed.....lol We're really looking forward to getting back down there and seeing some of our old friends We've missed the good times also
Hey Niyo it's going to be great to see you guys again, looking forward to a great party time :lotsofmichaelfs: