I'm going. We have a better chance of getting West Nile on our back deck from mosquitoes than we have of getting the pig flu. They have more cases of it in Texas where I'm going next week than in Cancun. So I'm going. I'll drink a lot to sanitize anything that invades my body. Jamie
You took the drink right out of my hand, Jamie! Can't wait to see my good friend, Al K. Hall! (say his name fast & you'll get it) BOOOO-YAHHHHHH To The 10th Power!!!!!!!!!! :beerdrink:
Greg , My wife has connections as a nurse in a local emergency room. One of the doc's wrote a script for both of us....but hey maybe you could wait and get them at a pharmacy in Cancun
Well, I had a kidney transplant in 1994, so I don't think it will be a problem for me to get a script for Tamiflu.
We are still coming to Temptation on May 2nd thru May 9th. We also have friends that are there May 1-5 and friends that arrive May 4-11. We are ready to party!!!!!!!
Ok packed and ready to go we leave in 7 hours . :lol: Hopefully will be at the sexy pool by 2 . Can't wait to meet everyone . Time to party!!! :lotsofmichaelf: