Roy / Dave, I swear you two are going to get me in trouble...not with Janice but with my doctor for trying to do "stuff" that I had a hard time doing in my 20's. AND I was doing "stuff" pretty hard back then...had my 4 year weekend in Germany then too. I only remember about 2 of the 4 years I was there :shock: Went out one Friday after work and showed up on my doorstep at 5 am on Sunday morning very much worse for wear. Can't wait for May Scott
Maybe next May we can spend a sober moment or two together (na I dought it :lol: ) We sure would love to see you guys there !!!
Now we wouldn't get you in trouble :doh!: Your liver will be perfectly fine with us :bash: Your weekend in Germany sounds like my 4 day May trip to TTR :headbanger:
We are for sure going to be there in May. Decided that if I can't get the time off for that week that I am going to take it off without pay just so that we can go when we want. Want to see you guys again. Want another fun time like we had this May. But no more purple shit for me on the first day. Dancing on the bar naked .... yeah right.