Wow, I apparently did horrible at finding airfare. My tickets where $400 and something for a round trip.
once I get our dates figured out, I "stalk" the airline websites, sometimes checking twice a day.....once a good deal pops up you have to jump on it, literaly, lol my sister who is coming with us waited 1 day and she paid over 350 for the same plane !! she used her husbands frequent flyer miles so it didnt cost her as much, but it was the same plane, weird huh?
hey jamie sweet nurse (kancun kelly ) bday is on the may 1 tims is also on may1 t done got her birthday rob
I lived right up the road in Amarillo for about 15 years. My childhood friend, who I still talk to, has family in Lubbock.
Well Jamie... Do you remember girls over thirty gone wild? Haha That was a blast. We don't have our airline tickets yet, otherwise we are set~! I will let ya know...Just thought it would be fun to see such a fun face welcome us again! We are wanting to join your group in the towel bitch job so we only have to do it once each in our group of four! Can't wait to see everyone and have a blast in Cancun!
Let us know when you book the tickets and we'll see what's up. And yes I remember the Girls Gone Wild. Jamie
How did you get to SC? You know what the panhandle is like. Flat and if you don't like the weather just check back in a few minutes, it will change. Temp was 40 this morning and 80's this afternoon. Do you remember how we are used to 50-60 MPH winds and we call it a slight breeze. People in other parts of the world are scared that a hurricane is coming. Mosquitos this past year must have found some hazordous waste and were the size of half dollars. We just sat in the backyard and had a blast shooting them with our shotguns. We make the best of situations in the Panhandle. All kinds of Pun intended. Just thought I would make it interesting. Don
My Dad was one of those Air Traffic Controllers that went on strike and lost his job. (while all the other putz that pushed for him to stick with the union went back to work when given the last chance) His family was here and my Mom's family is in Georgia. Nuff said. God I miss Texas!!!! I remember having to have 6' of snow on the ground before they would cancel school. Here all it has to do is threaten snow and they cancel school. I like to refer to SC as the state of instant idiots, just add water. Makes no difference, rain or snow, when it comes to drivers. :lol: