Anyone in this group (April,28-May6) a photographer that is planning to take pictures? I suck at it, and hate dragging the camera around. If someone will be taking a bunch anyway, I've love to meet up early and see if you can't get some of us in any of the activities and or at the clubs/booze cruise, etc. If anyone is willing to spend some digital camera space or film space for us, and share the results, we'd sure appreciate it.
It is highly likely that you won't have any trouble getting pictures! Normally our May group will all make CD's and share
Damn, I don't know why I keep coming here and checking out all the lucky people that are going in May. I must be into pain or something .... lol. I AM SO JEALOUS. Have a great time everyone and have a toast to us poor people that are stuck in the frozen north and can't make it down this year.