We have officially set our dates!!!! My 31 through June 7th. this will be my 4th trip and i will be bringing my husband rich, and another couple we met from bbg a few years back! woo hoo, CAN'T WAIT... now i just gotta get on the treadmill :roll: see ya in a few months! Jenn
good thing about bbg (or TTR... whatever it is these days) is that i have never been made to feel uncomfortable... so if the treadmill doesn't work out so well, i know i will look in the mirror more at home than at the hotel!
I know... I tried, but we have kids that are still in school until the week we leave... damn responsibilities!!! I wish I could be there for all of the festivities... sounds like you guys are gonna have a blast... One year, we will actually make it back for the reunion... That was the best time i have had there yet...
That's why we don't have kids. Nothing gets in the way of our partying.... except maybe work now and then. :roll: Jamie
I have to say, if it were not for my kid we would have never found Tempations, our first trip there was a Christmas present from her. The moral is kids are great espeailly when they send you on trips. Terry
Oh don’t get me wrong. I love kids. Kids are great. Especially when they belong to someone else. I’m kind of like the grandparents in the old Motel 6 commercials. I have fun with kids and when they need to be fed, changed, whatever, I hand them back to the proper authorities, the parents. I love to get them all stirred up about something just before I walk out the door. Jamie