Thanks for the update about Chinos. We will be there 5-27 to 6-3. Sorry you will miss him. But we will be glad to hang out with him for a couple days. Thanks
This am when I looked at our Itinerary, we had a return flight via Chicago but no way to get there. Called Orbitz and they fixed us up with a non-stop Frontier flight at a discount! WE WILL SEE YOU ALL THERE!!! :lotsofmichaelf: Now maybe I can sleep. Been a rough few days with the United cancellations! Good Debbie give her a BEER! :beergone: Debbie
You better sleep as much as you can before you get there. Since it will be so empty at TTR, I am sure we will have a true shotfest. We need to try a bet the old record. Wonder if I need to buy shot glasses to bring down
No you don't need shot glasses! I think we have couple with our names on them that will work!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: SHOTFEST 2009! Sounds like a CHALLENGE baby!!! Debbie
Guess I need to make Trina a new one since hers got broke. By the way, george gets the big glass this time.