Best of luck to you Jamie. Hope that all goes well and you can still make the trip to get a little R&R. Are you going to need private nurses or anything during your stay to help you recover? :shock:
Good luck with the procedure, and I hope your recovery is quick!!! Our May trip is up in the air at this time. We are fortunate to not have air booked and not have paid our AI fees, so we won't be out anything other than some great memories if we have to postpone.
Hope evrything turns out well with your proccedure and that you are doing the R&R thing by the pool on Sunday. Health first...TTR will always be there for you and your camera. See you when we get there on the 14th. You are in our prayers.
May Roll Call Best of luck on your procedure Jamie. Feel confident that all will be OK and plan on seeing you around the pool when we arrive on the 14th. Take care of business my friend and we should see you soon. Jack
Well it is official for us now...we are going unless: the outbreak takes a turn for the worse, any of the governments of Canada, US or Mexico issues a travel ban, or US Airways suspends flights to Cancun. Sorta caught between a rock and 3 hard places on this one. We either go now or postpone to a later date since both of us only have limited vaca time and neither US Airways or TTR are givng refunds at this point. Guess that makes us time and cash limited, lol. Both of us NEED a vaca NOW though; if we have to postpone we will take a few days off and lounge in the backyard drunk and nekkid. SO much for being good neighbours :shock: They will get over it... Tequila is the best antiviral that I can think of...damn near killed me a few times :roll:
Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed that this settles down a bit so I don't have to try my tequila antiviral thing...
Being Tempted on 5/27 Hi everyone! We are headed down on 5/27-6/3. This will be our second trip to Temptation, third to Cancun. We are not afraid of some silly little flu...But, we do love to Scuba and club hop and take in some of the local culture. My only fear is getting there and being the only ones there and no clubs being open.... :cry: