HI!! We've been good and busy. Its funny that our kids are always bored and we are always tired. ???? Between ballgames and practices and now deer season starting up - we will run for the next few months. That is fine with me as it means we'll be that much closer to seeing all of you again. Yeah!! OH - Bill - I checked on something we talked about. There is no baldgirlz website. HAHAA.... Maybe that is something you could start up in your spare time?? Keep in touch!! Good to hear from you all as well.
I see some familiar names and faces! Jamie and Chris, Dave and Rose, James and Diva.... so, ya'll are planning for next May? Deniece and Dow
Yep, undecided about where we will go in May. Haven't been since they changed from BBG to Temptation. Did ya'll make it down for Thunder Beach? Lowrider and Lorraine came down and we met them out at Ms. Newbys. It was packed out. There was some sites to see that night!!!! Deniece
We didn't make it down(would of called u2) Ruth was in Italy on trip seeing her sister I got to stay home :cry: Lynn