Ready to go Janna and I are ready to go. I have checked out at work. Next week will be the longest week ever. Does every one plan on dressing for PJ night May 8th? Are there any good side trips to take away from the resort?
OMG-What was I thinking So last night Greg and I went to Kevin and Courtney's for drinks and we had a lot, lot, lot, lot of drinks and I feel like hell today. And I have decided that I really am out of shape....... I have been watching what I eat and working out everyday and have not really had any alchol except for my sisters wedding in months. BIG MISTAKE- I am gonna have to drink every day before we leave so that I can hang with the big boys when I can get to Temptation in 5 days. Any suggestions on what I can consume to get my liver in drinking shape in less than 5 days. HELP
LOL... Yes might be in some trouble if your tolerance is down... You can try having some drinks each night but i don't think you'll build it up in 5 days... I would suggest TRY to take it slow the first day... And the key word is TRY... LMAO...Nurse your drink so your liver can adjust to the cotinuous flow of drinks...LOL... Good luck and have a BLAST... :daveandmo: :dave: :beerdrink: :cooldevil:
For the Friday cruise you can sign up at the resort, at the towel hut. They will make announcements about it around the pool, but just see Sergio at the towel hut and he will hook you up. For the Thursday cruise, let Jamie know here (if you haven't already and he will add you to the roll call. The Thursday cruise is not affiliated with the hotel so we need to sign up here.
They sell water in the gift shop.. And with the re-modeling. I'm hearing that they have micro fridges that are suppose to be stocked with water, soda, and beer. I think 2 or 3 of each. House keeping stocks it each day. I'm not sure if they charge you for each item used like they do on some other resorts and cruises... ..This will be my first time there since the remodel, so i'm kind of new at the new surrounding.
The folks for May! Sue and Dave (suedave)........................................April 23 – May 7 David and Doodle (DAVIDINTN) (rhondoodle)..........April 25 – May 3 PJ and ?? (elrodh)....................................................April 25 – May 4 Stacey & Michael (driversml)...................................April 26 – May 3 Dave and Elaine (MrHammy).................................April 26 – May 4 B and Jenna (B & J).................................................April 27 – May 4 ?? and ?? (emdawg1999).......................................April 27 – May 4 Paul and Debbie (Paulanddebbie)...........................April 28 – May 5 George and Esther (logic7 - azlatina)........................ May 1-6 Anna (anna)........................................................... May 1-8 Chuck and Em (hathondo).................................... May 1-11 Kevin and Courtney (chevitz1).............................. May 2-6 Kat and Greg(Kat & Greg)..................................... May 2-6 Dave and Carolyn (nycouple)................................ May 2-9 Janice and Scott (JanScott).................................... May 2-11 D and T (d&tnewbies)............................................ May 3-10 Kitten and Friend (bitchkitten)............................... May 4-14 Roger and Janna (rlin2050).................................... May 6-11 Dale and Cherri (dmac)........................................... May 7-14 Brandon & Carly (plus 2) (BCE4800).................... May 8-14 Kent and Shannon (twoleos)....................................May 9-14 Brad and Keri (Theoriginalparrotthead).................May 9-16 Mark and Lisa(bearcats)........................................May 9-16 Jamie and Chris (Jamie)..........................................May 9-24 Frank and Jamie plus 6 (fbjr1)..................................May 10-17 Tina (welshgirl)..........................................................May 10-24 AJ and ?? (northindyaj)..............................................May 11-16 Billy and Girlfriend (Billy31).........................................May 11-18 Jack and Edie (jackman)............................................May 12-26 ???? (dogger)............................................................May 13-19 John & the Indy crew of 8 wild crazies (JKMRTV).....May 13-20 Jeff and Stacy (Jeff & Stacy)......................................May 13-20 Kyle and 9 friends (kyle).............................................May 13-27 Don and Pam (ffto)...................................................May 14-21 Scott and MJ (Scott)................................................May 14-21 Bob and Shiela (acrcouple)......................................May 14-20 Firm and Suz (FirmandSuz)....................................May 14-23 :lotsofmichaelf: May 15 – Bill and Chris’ 26th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lotsofmichaelf: Ken and Rhonda (Ken and Rhonda)........................May 15-24 Glenn and Monique (glenn/monique)........................May 15-25 B and A (BB & AB)....................................................May 16-19 Penny and Michelle (pjsplay)....................................May 16-21 Steve and Karen (BEEFY)..........................................May 16-23 Gus and Sara (GusNSara)..........................................May 16-23 Johnny (Fun Johnny).....................................................May 16-25 Bill and Chris (Bill&Chris)..........................................May 16-26 Rick (osiferrick).........................................................May 17-24 Jim and Kathy (Jim and Kathy in Ohio).....................May 17-24 Dave and Lisa (NavyDavey)......................................May 17-24 Kenny and Theresa (Flyboy).....................................May 17-24 Ken and Denise.......................................................May 17-24 Bubba and Michelle..................................................May 17-24 Jay and Claudia........................................................May 17-24 Robert and Cece .................................................... May 17-24 Cathy and Melinda ...................................................May 18-25 Dana (on the right) ......................................................May 18-25 Derek and Trina (tboyte)...............................................May 17-25 Robert and Marryann Baker..........................................May 17-25 John and Min (MignonA)...............................................May 17-24 Tom (icecube88).........................................................May 17-25 Dave and Rosa (davenrose)........................................May 17-26 Mike and Sue (msstewart)...........................................May 17-26 Kathy and Gary (funcouple)........................................May 17-31 Steve and Kim (Steve and Kim in Ohio).......................May 18-25 Lynn and Ruth (harley&coronas)...............................May 18-25 DBD (DarkBodyDaddy).................................................May 19-25 (??) Me and wife (The Donahues) (Irish Metal)..................May 19-26 Jess and Paul (jessandpaul).......................................May 20-25 Deb and Linda (hot4l69)..............................................May 20-28 :lotsofmichaelf: May 21 – Dave and Rose’s 25th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lotsofmichaelf: He and Jess (ekuanimity)...........................................May 21-25 Karina and Jose (karinav3)........................................May 21-26 (OK she’s staying at the Ambiance Villas but she wants to party with us. ) Karen, Pam and Greg (Karen,Pam and Greg!)..............May 21-27 Roy and Marie (Roy and Marie)...................................May 22-26 Barry and Kathy............................................................May 22-26 Gerald and Suzette (Gerald & Suzette).......................May 22-26 Daniel plus 9 from Oklahoma (danielb).......................May 22-27 Al and Lorraine (lowrider86).......................................May 22-31 Angi and G (Angibaby)................................................May 22- Jun 1 Carrie and her boyfriend F...........................................May 23-28 K and K (Gone South)..................................................May 23-26 Michael and Kasi (M-n-K)............................................May 24-31 Ken (Tequila Ken)........................................................May 24-31 Sassy and Crazy Beotch (SASSY08)............................May 24-31 Peggy and Hal (Peggyhal29).......................................May 27 – Jun 2 Jeff and Jill (Jeff D.).....................................................May 28 – Jun 4 beachcpl_07 (beachcpl_07).........................................May 30 – Jun 2 186 and counting......... And don’t forget to check out and sign up for the May Booze Cruises with Steve at: Jamie