The folks for May! Sue and Dave (suedave)........................................April 23 – May 7 David and ??? (DAVIDINTN)........................................April 26 – May 3 PJ and ?? (elrodh)....................................................April 25 – May 4 Stacey & Michael (driversml)...................................April 26 – May 3 Dave and Elaine (MrHammy).................................April 26 – May 4 B and Jenna (B & J).................................................April 27 – May 4 Paul and Debbie (Paulanddebbie)...........................April 28 – May 5 George and Esther (logic7 - azlatina)........................ May 1-6 Anna (anna)........................................................... May 1-8 Chuck and Em (hathondo).................................... May 1-11 Kevin and Courtney (chevitz1).............................. May 2-6 Kat and Greg......................................................... May 2-6 Dave and Carolyn (nycouple)................................ May 2-9 Janice and Scott (JanScott).................................... May 2-11 D and T (d&tnewbies)........................................... May 3-10 Roger and Janna (rlin2050).................................... May 6-11 Dale and Cherri (dmac)........................................... May 7-14 Brad and Keri (Theoriginalparrotthead).................May 9-16 Mark and Lisa........................................................May 9-16 Jamie and Chris (Jamie)..........................................May 9-24 Frank and Jamie plus 6 (fbjr1)..................................May 10-17 Tina (welshgirl)..........................................................May 10-24 AJ and ?? (northindyaj)..............................................May 11-16 Billy and Girlfriend (Billy31).........................................May 11-18 Jack and Edie (jackman)............................................May 12-26 ???? (dogger)............................................................May 13-19 John & the Indy crew of 8 wild crazies (JKMRTV).....May 13-20 Kyle and 9 friends (kyle).............................................May 13-27 Don and Pam (ffto)...................................................May 14-21 Scott and MJ (Scott)................................................May 14-21 Bob and Shiela (acrcouple)......................................May 14-20 Firm and Suz (FirmandSuz)....................................May 14-23 :lotsofmichaelf: May 15 – Bill and Chris’ 26th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lotsofmichaelf: Glenn and Monique (glenn/monique)........................May 15-25 Penny and Michelle (pjsplay)....................................May 16-21 Steve and Karen (BEEFY)..........................................May 16-23 Johnny (Fun Johnny).....................................................May 16-25 Bill and Chris (Bill&Chris)..........................................May 16-26 Rick (osiferrick)........................................................May 17-24 Jim and Kathy (Jim and Kathy in Ohio).....................May 17-24 Dave and Lisa (NavyDavey)......................................May 17-24 Kenny and Theresa (Flyboy).....................................May 17-24 Ken and Denise.......................................................May 17-24 Bubba and Michelle..................................................May 17-24 Bob and Deb............................................................May 17-24 Robert and Cece .................................................... May 17-24 Cathy and ?..............................................................May 18-25 Holley and Dana ......................................................May 18-25 Derek and Trina (tboyte)...............................................May 17-25 Robert and Marryann Baker..........................................May 17-25 John and Min (MignonA)...............................................May 17-24 Tom (icecube88).........................................................May 17-25 Dave and Rosa (davenrose)........................................May 17-26 Mike and Sue (msstewart)...........................................May 17-26 Kathy and Gary (funcouple)........................................May 17-31 Steve and Kim (Steve and Kim in Ohio).......................May 18-25 Lynn and Ruth (harley&coronas)...............................May 18-25 DBD (DarkBodyDaddy).................................................May 19-25 (??) Me and wife (The Donahues) (Irish Metal)..................May 19-26 :lotsofmichaelf: May 21 – Dave and Rose’s 25th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lotsofmichaelf: He and Jess (ekuanimity)...........................................May 21-25 Karina and Jose (karinav3)........................................May 21-26 (OK she’s staying at the Ambiance Villas but she wants to party with us. ) Karen, Pam and Greg (Karen,Pam and Greg!)..............May 21-27 Roy and Marie (Roy and Marie)...................................May 22-26 Barry and Kathy............................................................May 22-26 Gerald and Suzette (Gerald & Suzette).......................May 22-26 Daniel plus 9 from Oklahoma (danielb).......................May 22-27 Al and Lorraine (lowrider86).......................................May 22-31 Angi and G (Angibaby)................................................May 22- Jun 1 Carrie and her boyfriend F...........................................May 23-28 K and K (Gone South)..................................................May 23-26 Michael and Kasi (M-n-K)............................................May 24-31 Ken (Tequila Ken)........................................................May 24-31 Peggy and Hal (Peggyhal29).......................................May 27 – Jun 2 159 and counting......... And don’t forget to check out and sign up for the May Booze Cruises with Steve at: Jamie
Here we come! May 9th to May 16th... I want to play all the fun water sports and beach vollyball.. What's the most fun to do?
can't... wait... until... the 1st!!!! Good grief, I want whiskey sours by the pool NOW!!! I plan on having a minimum of 2 strong drinks BEFORE I get to out room, then non-stop after taking time out only to breathe, take a wizz, and stuff my face with hamburgers.
We should have a great game of Naked Horseshoes again this year. That is fun too. But good stuff to do all day, everyday. Jamie
Fiinally we get to be repeat offenders, May 28 - June 4. Well, after a 5 year absence Jill and I are returning to Temptation to celebrate our 5th anniversary. 5 years ago we had a great time at BBG on our honeymoon and this is our first chance to get away for a vacation for more than a day or 2 at a time. We will be blowing through the doors and heading to the sexy pool sometime around 1:30pm on Wednesday May 28th. Please have a cold beer for me and fruity drinks for her sitting there waiting on us. So we will be there from May 28 thru June 4 and hope to meet up once again with a bunch of great CancunCare folks and party the week away. The end of May can’t get here fast enough…… Jeff n Jill
Would love to help you celebrate your return to BBG or I guess I should say Temptation resort and spa or TTR as people are now calling it. We arrive on the 17th but we don't leave until the 31st so we will have a couple of days together hope to meet you and help celebrate the second time around since this is trip number 2 for us
(The virgin popping...) Our first post!!! We're part of the @$$Licker Family (JKMRTV), and we'll be heading down with the rest of the crew to the resort! May 13th-20th, Party!!!!!!!! :beergone: