Sounds great. We are looking forward to meeting a lot of great friends again and lots of new friends.
Hey All, Thank you for the hospitality. My name is Jose, by the way. Bring on the drinks...but be sure to hold yourself accountable for the consequences. :lol: I've been known to lose track of my shorts after a few too many drinks. P.S. We're up for a booze cruise too!
Just wondering how we add our picture to our post in roll call that tells the dates we are going to be there. Thanks
Peg, Jamie will add you, I think he has been working alot, but when he puts a new one up, you will be there.......have u put your dates in the calendar?? check the front page and put your names in there... Can't wait for May!!!!
Not at all, you've done such a good job and saved me a hell of a lot of time keeping the thread updated that I really havent read it from start to finish. So I'm just not up on what people want. We could do a day cruise, a night cruise, a private Carlos N Charlies party or something new. Just need a bit of a steer on what people want. I'd like to get things firmed up before we leave for our vacation in a months time so it's ready to roll when we get back.
We would love to do any or all the above options . We are there from the 22nd-26th May . Can't wait to party our vacation away :lol:
Steve - we'll be there from the 14th to the 20th. And we'd love to be part of one of your parties. We've only just heard about them in the past. Have a fun and safe vacation. We're looking forward to possibly meeting you on this trip!