... And that's precisely the reason we left Detroit back in '03. After 31 years of living in Michigan, I had finally had enough of the snow.
tick tock, tick tock......... was there a day for booze cruise?? I re read the thread, and didnt see anything definate?? does Steve usually wait till its a little closer? I sure would like to finally see all the fun everyone has. We usually go around September and he doesnt run them then....
I believe Steve is trying for May23rd... But as the date gets closer. He will let us know for sure...
Actually we were looking at a nighttime cruise on Wednesday the 21st and a daytime cruise on Friday the 23rd. But after a little more thought... Friday is possible NTVB day and there's no way a lot of people would want to miss that. So..... We could still do the night time one on Wednesday the 21st and the daytime one on say Monday the 19th? Or Tuesday and Thursday... What do people think? Jamie
well I vote for Tuesday, we leave at 2 pm on Wednesday...... we will just have to suck it up from Monday night at Coco Bongos, lol