Great New people to meet and some reuinions. We sure are ready and gald it is looking so good so early. :lotsofmichaelf: Don and Pam
Same flight as us but our transfer is only good for up to 3 people, i am checking to see if we can get one for 6 one way and only two the other way.
No big deal, but I do appreciate you offering. I gues we will see you in Charlotte then, too early for the bars to be open. :lol: Will you drive to Charlotte the night before? We will have another early morning, have to leave the house bettween 4:30 and 5. :roll:
Charlotte is just a little over an hour drive for us but we have gone down the night before sometimes, not sure what we will do on this trip, but likely drive in the morning. We live just off 1-85, so it is a straight shot for us.