If you can make yourself set through the traumatizing presentation it will probably save you a hundred eighty bucks or so!
Umm you fun areas do get attention but not violated however don't think its like a happy ending. That's up to you and your other half. Also just my opinion from what I have read a lot is up the masseuse what goes on. I know during ours a lot went on.
One of the best (or worst ) ideas is setting the expectation that you will be blind folded and brought together for the actual act. Then invite your favorite couple from the night before to join the massage / 'fun' at a certain point. What a shocker when that blind fold comes off ha.
Stacia & I've done it once, and we had a great time, though it did seem a bit on the expensive side. You can get an idea of what typically can happen during the sensual massage in this thread: Sensual Couples Massage
Pm us with a few more details about the massage. We’ll be getting one March 27. Thanks Nick and Stell
I’m not sure I understand this whole senual massage thing that you’re all willing to pay for at what ever price. Did you ever think you could do the same thing with an other couple that you found to be very attractive, blind folds and all?
Yes, quite often, but it's just not the same. I wouldn't recommend doing it every trip, but you should do it once. Of course, you could go to Thailand and get a really good one, but there wouldn't be much time left for the Sexy Pool!