mariachis, yes or no...

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by gbchayctca, Dec 4, 2005.


Mariachis - Do you like them?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ditto what she said too!

  2. Sparkey

    Sparkey Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ditto Squared!

    It's even more special when the restarant has two mariachi's. Not only do they each try to play louder than the other one. When one band takes a break, the other one plays.
  3. Bellasogno

    Bellasogno Guest

    +0 / 0
    Absolutely!!! Yes to Mariachis!

    We generally base our restaraunt choice on whether or not they will have mariachis there! Mariachis are a must. Of course there are good and so-so, but, you have to give even the mediocre credit fro trying. This is the soul of Mexico!! We warm up for months before our trip down by playing mariachi music here in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. :p
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    +7,271 / 14
    I love Mariachis.

    Last year Jannet hired some in as a surprise for my birthday party at our place. I'd only been in Cancun a month or two and it was something that made a lot to me.

    I've got used to them now though, and normally only want them to play if I'm out with special friends or family. Regular meals out it becomes annoying when they crowd round your table and start playing without invite, at 50 pesos a song which some of them charge, not cheap either.

    I still voted yes though. BTW for those new here, you can easily set up polls like this one - see the very bottom of the posting window to select a poll and add the options.
  5. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    I pretty much agree with Steve.

    If Danyand I are out for just a normal meal or with some friedns but not for any specail occasion we usally just say thanks but no thanks.

    But if it's a special occasion or if we have someone with us who has never been before then it's a nice touch to a special evening.

    Other than that they just get in the way of our conversation.

    But I did vote yes because I do like them.

  6. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    I voted yes, though at times they are annoying. I love "Mariachi Corner" on Yaxchilan, I always think they are like hookers on the corner, "Hey baby, wanna song?"

    I must admit to having a special hatred for mariachis when I was pregnant. I know, weird, but I almost hissed if they came near me. I'm better now, not so moody. :D
  7. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    +7,271 / 14
  8. CancunChica

    CancunChica Guest

    +0 / 0
    Canuck, A lot of things annoyed me when I was pregnant too, LOL!!!! I was extra sensitive.

    The only time i saw Mariachis in Cancun was at a show at the RPLA. We just watched a little bit of it as we had to get ready to go to the clubs.

    But, we hired mariachis here in Florida for my mom's b-day party in May and her and her friends loved it. They all speak Spanish so they were singing along and then they really got into and were dancing and all. It was really nice and fun to watch.
  9. AbuelitaQ

    AbuelitaQ Guest

    +0 / 0
    I like them.........better at somebody else's table.

    Invariably, they show up at the table with some romantic balad, just at the point where I want to kill my husband over something. Then, I have to smile and pretend we are being so cozy.

    I have a thing about anything out of the ordinary happening at my table, that might cause people to look at me longer than I am comfortable with. it seems to bring the whole restaurant into my 3 feet of personal space.

    It's like that "crawl in a hole" feeling you get if somebody surprises you with an anniversary, or birthday cake. All those strangers, gawking & laughing, trying to figure out who the celebrant is.

    I still voted yes, since I like to watch everybody else getting suckered into the moment.
  10. blondie1972

    blondie1972 Guest

    +0 / 0
    LOL~ :lol:
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