Just a few brief words about our trip. Landed at about 9 AM Cancun time. The airport has totally been redone. Have to say, great job and so much easier to get from one place to the next. Picked up our luggage, hit the button, got the green light, and out to our private transfer. This was our first time using the private transfer and I have to say, it is the way to go. USA Transfers were there with our name on the sign, car arrived in about 3 minutes and we were on our way. We arrived at Temptations before they were serving drinks at the sexy pool. The changes at the resort are SO MUCH BETTER. We were very impressed. To those who must have a room with a view of the pool or the ocean, don’t really understand why because you are not in there very much anyway. Our room was nice, with a HUGE shower with two showerheads. It is great for taking showers together or for taking showers together, if you catch my drift. Bathroom without a door is not too bad, could be much worse. Channel 12 is now on a flat screen with a much bigger picture with better definition. The staff is still the same except for “T” taking over as the new girl. She is a great addition, as both Tina and I were impressed with her. Omar was on vacation but the rest of the crew were still there. Met a bunch of people from the CC board. Dave and Rosa, Paul and Liz, Chippy (John and Pauline), daveb369 (Dave and Catherine), Chuck2002, hortonklyn, 1smokey (thanks for the lap dance Michelle), daytonajoe (Carrie and Jody), and 2forsun&fun (Al and Laura). It is amazing the number of people you meet from CC. We had a great time with all of them, some too briefly. The week flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go home. Anyway, pics are up on our signature, didn’t take as many as we would have liked but they are there. See you next time!!!!
The dance It was nice to meet you and the others. Wish we could have spent more time at Temptations. Hope we added to your vacation. If you come upon any pictures of the “dance” please send some our way. Cal and Michelle
Great TR and great pics. What area is shown in the darker pics? Is that the area where the theater used to be?
Yes, that is where the theater used to be. According to Chinos, they are going to turn it into a "cigar" bar. Don't know exactly what that means, but it was a really nice area.
Hey Guys, It was great meeting you two we had a great time. Great pics and TR, thanks for sharing your trip with us!
It was great to meet you, although it was a very short time. I really enjoyed the time we did spend together. Maybe we can connect another time. Glad you had a good time. Great picture's. Al & Laura
Absolutely loved the pictures. Some real good ones of the belly flopping.... just too funny. I see you guys met Dave and Rosa .... awesome people, met them in September of 2006 and we are meeting them again this May. Thanks so much for sharing with us.