water temp It sounds like this "heating" the sexy pool goes on year round ? Or does TTR only turn it on/off depending on season ? My wife and I were there the first week in Oct and the sexy pool temp was ok unless it rained, but we did not feel any warm/heated water. R
LOL 69 is that heated ? If so, then not warm enough, especially on a cloudy Feb-Mar day. If my wife gets wet/cold to often, she ends up with a cold. Sick in Mexico not a good thing. Plus no drinking/no partying/no sex......might as well stay home. LO)L I need to know if this "heating" makes any real difference. Thanks. R
the water does get hot in the afternoon,, to the point of not being refreshing ( April) Last Oct,, I never thought of the temp , so it most have been good .
The pool is not heated by anything other than the giant glowing orb in the sky. I do suspect they may pump hot water in occasionally but I'm skeptical. The resort was built in the 1970's, there is no way there is a vast network of pipes running underground to "transfer" the heat exchanged in the A/C units to the pools. I've also heard that they bought an adjacent property at one point to increase the size so I doubt that would be included in this magical system. Am I the only one who wonders how a system like this would be remotely effective as the only time you'd need to heat the pool would be when it's cooler weather..... and people aren't using their A/C as much..... like in the winter..... I would love to be proven wrong but if TTR did have a heated pool it would be one of only a handful in Cancun and I would imagine they'd have it featured prominently on their web site and in their marketing materials.
We were there in November and the pool was really cold almost all the time, to the point that we hardly wanted to be in the pool. We usually go in January and it seems like the water this November was colder than it usually is in January. And we are Canadian, so it's not like we are picky about temperature. It was rainy and cold for a few days before we got there, so that might be why.
Putting a heat exchanger on the Buffet AC which is just above the pool pump room is very easy to do and quit cost effective , improving the effectiveness of the AC at the same time .
The Golden Parnassus was freezing the first of Dec. the last two years. It's a small pool, so it actually did warm up pretty good the one warm day we had. I won't go at that time of year again. I thought the pool temp was perfect the end of October at TTR.
3 year ago,, we went NYE , the water temp was so cold no more then 5 people were in throughout the week,, then one day I,m putting my towels out at 6am ( another story),, there is Steam,, ( water vapour) coming off the pool ,, the hole sexy pool was like a hot tub,, witnessed this and felt it first hand , so they do have the ability to vary the temp.
No maze of piping required . The cooling for the rooms is done by piping "chilled water" at about 44degrees to units in the rooms .(look at the construction picture posted recently the chilled water pipes are the big insulated ones in the centre) . This chilled water is produced by yep you guessed it a water chiller (I service/install them for a living).The water chiller has a heat rejection water coil which is piped to a heat exchanger for the pool . So the only extra piping is a small loop between the chiller and the pool mechanical room . The more people use there A/C the more chilled water is needed so the chiller rejects more heat as it has to work harder so the pool gets warmer . They can also supplement the amount of heat with regular pool heaters , however the heat reclaimed from the A/C is essentially free as it would normally be rejected to the outdoors as waste heat . Air Conditioning 101 class over .......now back to our regularly scheduled programs ......:aktion069::wink3:
Don't worry you can alway have a sexy pool with hot water in your bath room or your jacuzzi and invite as many sexy people that you want