Hey everyone! We will be there March 15-22! Let's get this roll call started. We would love to party with everyone who will be there the same time as us! We've been to TTR Cancun 4 times now and this will be our first (along with most others) to Temptation Grand Miches! Lets do this!
We are also heading to grand miches march 15-22 check it out !! We have been to Temptation cancun 3 times and first time going to grand miches ! We’ve read a lot of reviews and no matter what the people there are what make the vacation memorable …..looking forward to creating some memories !!!
We are set to pull the trigger for 10 nights from 12th March. Normally book Desire RM and have loads of fun but we are just a little worried that GM maybe a little quiet for lifestyle couples as we don't know anyone who has visited yet.