what date are you wondering about? it is kind of different each sat. Here is the link to the themes thread. Hope this helps out?! :aktion069:http://http://www.cancuncare.com/fo...ncun/25540-official-march-theme-nights-5.html
Here's what's on tap for the days you are there. See you on the 21st! THU 21 - CCC: lingerie/PJ Party(come to the sports lounge after nice shoes) TTR - Casino/lingerie FRI 22- (Boobs Cruise), CCC: white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night SAT 23 - CCC: home team / TTR - DAZZLING Temptation SHOW & POOL PARTY SUN 24- CCC: 4 dove(aka dress shirt night...see below) / TTR - ANYTHING GOES, Interactive games along with heart stopping dance routines MON 25 - CCC: Mardi Gras / TTR - coco-bongo's..BALI-HAI NIGHT=special dinner buffet right outside TUE 26 - CCC: schoolgirl/schoolboy night(kilt) / TTR - KARAOKE NIGHT @ Nice Shoes Definitions: 1. lingerie/pajama party- When they close up Nice Shoes, head to the sports bar in our lingerie, set up teams, and play truth or dare, do the photo scavenger hunt...I dunno, pillow fight? 2. Mardi Gras night- stunts/body shots for beads, body paint, and masks (you can order them really cheap online--even in bulk.) http://www.mardigrasspot.com/party-s...FcU-MgodaS4AiA 3.Home team night- everyone comes in a t-shirt or jersey representing their "team". Everyone leaves in a shirt someone else started in. If we let people keep the jerseys they leave in, it would be a unique souvenir? 4. TTR white night- held on Friday nights as just come in anything white and have a good time 5. 4 Dove night-Ladies: Wear mens dress shirt&heels(make it as sexy as you dare but one button done rule will be enforced! LOL) or wear something that is white and sheer, it's your choice. Men: wear your boxers, a plain white tshirt and a colored sharpie on a necklace to have people do "tricks" to get to sign your shirt! Everyone: bring/wear your glow gear and/or body paints! 6. Sexy little dress night- Ladies dress in your small and tight little dress, something you could never wear at home. This is an easy break from the craziness of "themes" and just lets it be more of a normal night but make people feel like they are joining in the "themes". 7. Sparkle/glitter night- wear anything that sparkles or glitters. 8. Sheer/see thru- wear anything that has some part of the outfit that is either sheer or see thru. 9. Schoolgirl/schoolboy- ladies wear your naughtiest schoolgirl outfit, gentlemen.. wear something to compliment those lovely ladies(kilts,school boy, principle... use your imagination!!) 10. Other- if there is a theme on a night that is not listed here(i.e. for holidays or other suggested themes) it is at your own
Less than 2 weeks and I have so much stuff to do. Honestly it's the last couple of weeks that are the worst. As exciting as the trip is it's just so painful sometimes getting the regular life crap in order just so I don't think about any of it while I'm basking in the sunshine at the sexy pool! D
The countdown begins...30 days. Yayyyyyy!!! Time to begin packing and testing out the wardrobe for school girl night, lingerie night, the sexy pool, and the Boobs Cruise.
Five more days of work and a wake up and the PARTY WILL BE ON LIKE DONKEY KONG it could not be coming at a better time us Show me state people are ready to get FULSS
We have our tickets, big thurmal mugs, beads, glow sticks, white clothes, sharpies, and other fun stuff laid out on the spare bed ready to be packed. And other good ideas to pack...love to hear them. 14 more sleeps!!