You're right Newfie couple. We did the VIP one year on our own becuase we wanted to go on a night the resort staff were not going. I wouldn't say it was any better either.
Jager, Hum, I've heard of Jager a few times but every time I hear about it I don't remember the rest of the night. Maybe I'll try it again and not do something stupid?
yup we'll be on the cruise just look for the hot pink zebra thong. well..... sheer is more likely for the cruise can't wait to party with ya see you the 16-23
Theme Nights So for the returning TTR veterans.... are the theme nights legit? Do the girls dress up or is it more sporadic?
From what I've seen yes the do dress up and should be a bigger group this year with all the ccc people.
We always participate size of group dressed up depends on your group that week but we have always found it to be well supported