Man, we're gonna miss the boobs crews on the 30th. We arrive on the 31st. Still can't wait to see everyone and party hard.
Assume you're talking about the 30th. Will be a blast. See you before hopefully, if not, on tha boat...:lotsofmichaelfs:
Well, we are now in the motel at the airport, up @ 3am and flying out @ 6:20am, should be at TTR around 11:30am. WOOHOO!!! See ya all as you arrive eh!! George & Teresea:sunny:
Does anyone know what men are allowed to wear at lingerie night. Are tight Jockey OK or does it have to be loose boxes?
Dude you can wear whatever your lady lets ya out with..LOL Hard for us fellas as well, we just don't look as good in lingere..... I,m just going with the boxer briefs and a tank top ( wife beater) LOL See ya there.
Just got most things packed. Heading to airport Hotel tomorrow afternoon. Try to get enough buzz to get to sleep early but not too much to be beat on Saturday...a very fine line indeed.... See some of you Saturday and the rest whenever you arrive. Is always hard to recognize everyone, I,m usually chillin with My AC/DC straw hat. I will be the guy with the cute lil brunette with me...I,m sure you will know I,m just baggage..