Looking forward to it and then we're going to pay it forward and reserve a spot for Dana and Cat when they arrive on the 22nd! We'll be pulling tables together at some point! Luv it :daveandmo:
Marc 23rd I'm arriving March 23rd. After reading many of the posts, it sounds like there will be plenty of people and lots of new friends to meet. I'm looking forward to this much-needed vacation.
Welcome...Your fisrt task is to find one of the four single Canadian girls and get them to go with you on the booze cruise on the 24th...we're looking to fill up the boat for Steve (check out the thread for teh 24th trip...there's a good video there so you can see what it's all about)
And we appreciate the offer ..... And are sooo looking forward to it.. 10 days left till TTR...... It is beginning to get difficult to focus on the daily events of life... TTR is becoming the main focus.......... Shit I havent even set foot on the property yet and already I am addicted.... I hope the hype is true... soo need a vacation for us!!!
9 days!!! we totally know how you feel! So excited! We will be there on the 22nd also! Say hi! when you see us!
Hey all the new people arriving in Mid March... Dont forget to beek for the Boobs Cruise on the 24th of March.. We need at least a dozen more to get it going. After looking around the posts here for a bit it does seem like the highlight of many peoples vacation. Only $60 bucks per person includes all boozeand lunch and a shopping stop on the island if you choose. Snorkelling etc...... You can sign up on the thread that reads. March 24th Boobs Cruise....Provisional..
Just sitting here having a beer, waiting on my better-half to get off work (she's an RN), suitcases are packed, beer is iced down, let the count down begin... we'll shall continue this party tomorrow. Remember to let us know if you want to make the yacht trip on thursday, $100 per couple (drinks, food, tip included). Cheers:beer4:
T - 7 and we should be at the Sexy bar with drinks in our hands looking for all you early arrivals...the real countdown has begun!