hey thats awesome of you guys!! We owe you guys a beer for that one see ya at the casino night when we get in :lol:
Paul & Liz 7-15 not at Temptations till the 10th but read post pg 31 NickyD 7-23 Bern & Steve 10 -17 Rockinrandal 12-19 Todzila 6-15 Cape Codders1 12-20 MandS 6-13 Hortonklyn 13-20 Northerguy88 2/27-3/13 Massi2403 16-23 2forsunandfun 17-24 Backs13+3 17-26 SheandMe 16-23 Dave & Audry 7-14 MandS 6-13 Vanbc32m 11-18 Momo14 6-13 Laurandoug 10-15 vince 12-19 davesgurl 9-15 davp 6 -9 Lookin4friends 6-17 youngnfunaz 12-18 cntrltxcpl 16-21 kkase ? 7-14 kimie 7-12 lvnthedream 7-14 cindyB 7-14 Iowa Pork Chop 9 -13 Bart/Annette 12 - 16 credible 6-15 Angelace 8 -12 trevillyan 6 -9
:cry: Logic7, sorry to hear that!! I have been having a similar situation and thought we all could hang at the resort of others went into town. Tell her Kathie doesn't even want to go to Isla!! Try to talk to her, sorry about your dilemma!!
Hey Guys, Having or had the same issue with the State Department now listing Mexico and tourist destinations as unsafe... But, staying at or around the resort will be a blast! No worries just tons of fun!!!!! Thanks Bern and Steve for the name tags...see ya on the 10th! March already! AWSOME!!!!
there's a small glimmer of hope now. The sheer jump in price to go somewhere else is kinda prohibitive PLUS most of the flights out are overnight and waaaaaay more expensive. In other words, in order to go to Hedo II/III or Breezes, we would have to cut our vacation by a day AND still have to shell out more money for the resort and plane. We thought of Caliente Caribe in DR, but if we're going to go somewhere where you need an armed escort just to leave the resort, we might as well go to Cancun. Breezes Bahamas is booked up for the times we're supposed to go so that's out as well. Them there's the pedestrian trip to Vegas... Turns out, a trip to Vegas is more expensive than going to TTR! This morning she hinted that we might end up at TTR after all, but like Kathie, she talking about not even travelling to La Isla for shopping too!!! fingers crossed everyone!
logic you guys live in AZ like we do and see it on the news more than anyone else, the problems that they are having is along the border as they fight for the tunnels and areas they can get the drugs through. dont think you will have a PROBLEM in cancun maybe if you go to nogalas or TJ
and see, that's what hard for many people to understand. The problem is along the border but it's being sensationalized as "Mexico" as a whole. Drug runners are interested in getting their drug into the states and money and weapons back into Mexico. To do that, you have to control the border, so that's their focus. Resort areas generate entirely too much money for not only the Government, but the cartels as well, so it's not in ANYONE'S interest to see business hurt in popular resort areas. This is why I see Cancun, being soooo far from the border, as a much safer place to go if one intends to travel to Mexico at all. Think of it this way: Imagine the Canadian or some European gov't telling people to stay away from America because of the violence in South Central Los Angeles or Miami.