We have decided to slip in a March trip as a warm-up for the May Repeater-Fest. Looking forward to meeting the March group We have lots of friends that we have met on our NYE, May, and Labor Day trips, and I am sure this March group will be just as fun to be around. We will see everyone on the 12th for a long weekend. TTR trip #17 (or could be #18) for us. Anyone up for a yacht trip on Saturday or Sunday?
Would have been nice to meet you bart/annette . . it appears I will miss you guys by a few days, enjoy your trip, keep hortonklyn out of the cancun Detox until we get there, we are going to need him for the parties ha ha...
We think we forgot to announce that we're adding a day to our trip (yay!!!) and we'll be leaving on the 15th now. It's an early ass flight (6am), but one full extra day of sun & fun will take the sting of the sound of the alarm that morning :lol: .