Forget goes without saying!! Should be Hopefully "goes without top" OMG!!! Todzilla, hope he has a great game!! What level is he at? Hockey and baseball, the only 2 sports!! Let us know how he makes out!!
the wife and I (azlatina) will be there 3/18 - 3/22. Booked and paid for with etickets ready. We'll see you guys then!
Hi All! My wife (Kimie) has been reading about all the crime in Cancun and says she wants to stay at the resort only We are in the process of TRYING to cancel the boat trip that we paid for already and agree with hortonklyn about getting a booze cruise (or two) together for the March groups... Also, Paul and Liz we would love to meet you across from Carlos and Charlie's but you have to try and convince the wife its safe...Thanks for all the GREAT pics. We need more!!!!
not that it's really a consolation - but the crime hasn't been to tourists - it's all local - corruption - from police to street gangs. There is drug trafficking that they are trying to crack down on - but this hasn't affected the tourism or tourists...yet. Like with any country - you just have to use common sense when traveling a night - go in groups if possible - women shouldn't ever travel alone, etc.
Crime Kimie, I have been to Cancun many many times and I think a bunch of the regulars will agree with me and you could probably PM steve and he will tell you, That Cancun to me is a rather safe city, I have sat and drank at Slices many times waiting to go to the clubs, I have also walked around the city at all times... you have to treat it like any other big city and take precautions and trust your instincts on certain areas, but for the most part I am just as comfortable in Cancun as I would be in my local cities... Just due to the vast amount of people walking around, I always put my wallet in my front pocket or leave it at the resort and only bring what I think Ill need for example . . . It could just be me, but I really think it is a rather safe city....
Hello, have your wife read through the forum from the people that live here in Cancun, here is a recent post from Cancun Info: The misinformation out there regarding poor and misguided public knowledge of the crime (or lack thereof) in Cancun has many of the people living there fuming. In their opinion these people who have moved to Cancun from various places all over the world find Cancun to be one of the safest cities they have ever lived in.
Hi Liz and Paul, You arrive at Temptations the same day as us, however we won't be there till late... We will say hi when we see you... Cheers, Bern
Kimie, You will find once you get there your comfort will tell you what you want to participate in... I can speak from experience, the local people are wonderful...even when your husband or significant other gets a little or a lot drunk . Steve and I were in down town Cancun last year and truly I never once felt ill at ease. Like any other city there is a crime rate, as long as you don't go looking for trouble, with the numbers of tourists, it finding YOU is very rare. Enjoy your trip and don't cancel anything, you will regret it later! See you when we get there... Heck , we are a big group, just travel with other people if it makes you feel more comfortable. Cheers, Bern
oops! 16 more days.. I forgot to put in the dates! March 7 thru 14th. Went there in 2001 when it was BBV, had a blast! Cant wait to meet everyone, this site is so cool, Thank You! Paul & Lisa lvnthedream!