Todzilla, glad to hear you are out of the cold, thanks for sending it our way!!!!!!!!!! LOL...... We are headed for another deep freeze as well. March can't come soon enough!
...Hello all..We will be in Cancun the 6th to the 15th, Staying at the " Me Cancun" the first 3 days to enjoy some beach..Then Be ready for some play time at Temptaions the last 5 days..Hope to see some old friends and always up for meeting new ones....Can't wait it is -3 here today in Chicago
My boyfriend and I are thinking about booking for March 20-27. Will anyone from here be there around that time?
We are booked for Mar. 17th - 24th. This is our 5th time. Looking forward to meeting up with friends and meeting new friends. Al & Laura
I heard T & Nikki will be leaving the entertainment staff in March. If so I will go to party with them before they are gone for good. Anyone know for sure?