Hey i was reading some student reviews on springbreak locations and there were some locations listed as beign a susage fest (cancun was not one of them) but i just wanted to get an idea of what the ratios are, anyone???
Hey dude,nah mate it's pretty even..women everywhere..have no fear in approaching either,you have nothing to lose man.. Don't be shy to let them know your keen..they love it..lol peace
anywhere you go is usually more guys than girls. cancun is no exception and the common ratio in a club there is usually about 4 to 1. sometimes its worse, sometimes its better. doesn't matter tho, just about anywhere you go is going to be the same way.
A couple of points on that - first, it only takes one (or maybe 2 or 3), but no matter what there will be more than enough for you if you play your cards right (and, of course, if you have any to play). Second, if you don't like what's being served at the party - bring your own. Unless you're a real scab, very few of the sort you're looking for are going to turn down a free trip to Cancun for spring break, and if she does, then that wasn't the right one for you anyway. Simple stuff mate- no math required.
drunk women drop their standards, it's a scientific fact. so just be confident and pretend your in a band or going to medical school... and your in like a dirty shirt
haha classic and so true..testosterone levels rise in women that drink and supprisingly stay the same in men..men are no "hornier" for lack of a better term, when they drink as women tend to become much hornier and can even peak at the same level of testosterone that a man puts off making the women as horny if not hornier than men..and woman who take oral contraceptives tend to peak above men and drunk women in a very fast manner! sorry to get all scientific but i just did a big project in a sexual psychology class and this topic interested me so i thought id share the wealth..pretty damn good information i think! so good luck out there everyone!!! note: in no way am i condoning taking advantage so use this information wisely..i would never take advantage..im a good guy :wink:
well, its a well known concept that nerds have trouble getting laid so its pretty safe to say that you probably won't be trading that science book for condoms any time soon.
Every time I hear the phrase "sausage fest" I get the feeling someone is making a lame excuse for not having the balls to approach any girls. Having been to Cancun, I think this ratio stuff is all nonsense. There are just as many girls on spring break as there are guys. And if you are stuck at a hotel/club with a 4:1 ratio, so what? That still leaves plenty.
haha very funny philadelph..this is useful information! i just had a huge project due and i thought it was weird that this came up..i know everything about it cause i just researched all that for months..i choose to do a project about how horny girls get when they drink lol..last time i checked thats not so nerdy..im no perv but it was a very interesting/informational project to do..havent had any problems yet! ill let you know how it goes though haha