We found a starving kitten next to Avenida Kabah the other day. He was filthy and terrified. We lured him with tuna fish, cleaned him up and have been fattening him up. Unfortunately we can't keep him (we already have 9 cats and a nut-job of a dog). It's time for him to go to a good home. He uses a litterbox. He purrs a lot. He's hard to take a picture of because he is always playing. He seems to like other cats. He appears to be about 6 weeks old, but I'm no judge of kitten-ages. He's a good climber. And he likes to type. He's also very attached to people, he loves attention. He likes to fall asleep in the crook of your neck when you are in the hammock. Oh, and he thinks everything is a toy. Here are a few pictures: We want to give him to a good home. My daughter is kind of attached to him, so we would love visit him or have you send a pic of him once in a while.
Ay mi dios, yo lo quiero! I will talk to Jorge but I am pretty sure he will say no. Do you have any really sad pics that might get to his hard little heart?? Do you think Changa might eat her?
When I found him he had tar, I kid you not, stuck to the edge of his eyelids. And his eyes were really red. I thought I was looking at a vet bill for sure. But we just cleaned his face completely and the next day his eyes were normal. He's got long legs, looks like he might be a tall one. He's trying to eat me right now, I think it's dinner time.
Bless you for saving the little cutie. He is absolutely adorable! I hope you find him a good home soon. You're good people!
Well Rivergirl I am probably crazy but I just found a house to rent, my 14 y/o daughter will be here sometime this summer and she just loves cats... So give me a few days to move in the house and I will be more than happy to give the little (guy or girl) I forgot to look, really doesn't matter though. Give me a call later on in the week, weds. thurs. and we will get together............. thanks Dr. Jim Oh yea GREAT job with the pictures, couldn't resist.....
Nice job Kim! Looks like he already has a new home too with Dr Jim, nice one too Jim! We were silently waiting in the wings if nothing was found, but kind of glad it has been
Jim - You're my hero. If any one wants another kitty I know of a gray tiger, also male, also about 6 weeks old. I'll try to get a pic or two of him. One of my goals is to build a Cancun Adopt-a-pet web site, we really need one here.
Oh, I am so glad she's got a home. Jorge went through the roof when I asked him, a big fat no from Mr. Hardheart.