I have wanted to go topless for a very long time. My ex was adamant I never do it - even in our backyard pool and Jamaica. I became even more self-conscious because I have small breasts and had been teased my whole life. Post divorce with a new man that loves me just the way I am - when we booked the TTR trip I knew it was going to happen. Just didn't think I would do it in 15 minutes and still sober. LOL the last day we were there I was ready for breakfast with just a thong on and Paul actually said, honey - looks great but I think you have to wear a cover up - just during breakfast. LOL I have almost no tan lines now and I dread wearing a full bikini this summer. Being topless at TTR was one of the most freeing things I have ever done. At 45 years old - it gave me body confidence I have never had before. I would crack up laughing when I realized I was ordering drinks at the bar and look down and go - oh, well look at that!!! It was such a beautiful thing to see women of all shapes and sizes feeling gorgeous and sexy. I hope your girlfriend has the same experience. I have to say - Paul and I decided it would be very hard to go to another resort in a tropical location other than TTR after our experience. It really is addictive. Hell, I come to this site everyday just to get a little fix to get thru the day. Shannon
We just had our first trip in February. I never dreamed my wife would lose her top. After about one hour, off it came. Not really that big of a deal.
I was worried about going topless cause I have small boobs. I didn't last long. Only a day or so and have never worn a top there since. 11 trips and counting. Funny looking at my avitar I have a top on.........lol yep between two and four daily so I don't burn my shoulders.
I love that part of the day!!!!! never thought Trina would go topless but she had gotten naked by day 3. Loved the place ever since and wonder what she will do next:headbanger:
First time was in Vegas at the Mirage topless pool for my other half, it took a few drinks. The next year, it was a few less... When we get there in May, I hope it will be one drink or "why did you bring tops?"
I'm not kidding when I say it took me the amount of time to literally glance around the sexy pool... and realize i was wearing FAR too much clothing! Took of the top, the bottoms, and left just the thong-kini bottom on! p.s. the most fun part was went Meims and a few other beautiful ladies dared me to ask this random guy to put sun tan lotion on me....... but ONLY the girls! I did it! He accepted my offer, happily, and i even have a pic of it! LOL
He enjoyed every minute of it! he didn't rush, he made sure that every bit was covered! It will be so much better this year the pool is heated, It will be too hot to wear tops anyway!:liebe011see you on the 23rd) xx
Last year I didn't loose my top but lost my shorts ...lol wore a bikini top and thong back to the room should have seen the looks I got from the staff lmao...this was in Los Cabos