Loosers and their cameras

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Sundance, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. backs13

    backs13 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Rhinebeck, New York
    +16 / 1
    The last line of your post is what its all about, thats what this thread, this website, these people , are all about ...most of us have never even met, but what brings people together and makes friendships on here and at the resort is people getting together and having the time of their lives... especially for all of us that are repeaters, guys like me , that can only afford to get once a year, i have my own issues at home, i go to temptations to have a blast and meet people..and ive done every single trip, and when i came back in 06 and found this website and met some of same minded people and great people, it just made me anticipate the next trip...what makes this resort so special is the people, ive met old, young, gay, lesbian, swingers, married, single, people that didnt speak english..and we all had a great time....its unfortunate that there is risks of perverts and cameras, but thats anywhere...the good outway the bad three fold...ive been a single guy for four years, i used to go with my ex, she used to go topless , guys used to take pictures, yeah it pissed me off, but it never ever came close to ruining my vacation...and thats what rob and dan and dos equis and kat and tmac are all trying to say...its not to argue or debate or prove sides, its to say...listen we all know what happens there, we all know some people are idiots, we all want to enjoy ourselves....so when people come on this website, that either have never been or just came back and they mention one bad camera experience, we come on to say that there is 5000 people there a week, your bound to have a bad apple, but dont come on here and scare the people that have never been, cuz then you or they would miss out on what we all have grown to love...and they may become a repeater and they may join the reunion meetings, but thats for each individual to decide...not someone else who may differing opinions or different lifestyles.......we all have our own minds for a reason, so we can make our own decisions, we can take imput from others, but its up to each of us to make our own decisions......so for the ones that had bad problems, that sucks, im sorry, but there is 4,999 others that may want to meet me or jamie or steve or rob or any one.......lets end this debate by saying, go on your vacation, enjoy yourself, have a great time, if you dont like temptations, then dont come back to a temptations website...if you go and you have a blast like most of do, then come back here, tell us about it, sign up for your next one.......and down the road tell the rest of us about the cameras or bad times, dont scare new people away....if you do that your ruining it for all that could have met them.....
    That my out post on this thread .....im not beating the horse anymore........im out..lol
  2. Ace1

    Ace1 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    +0 / 0

    Well Said...love it!
  3. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    +6,397 / 12
    I am trying to think of what I can post to get you backs to come back one more time to this thread :)

    I agree with the majority of what you say. The area we differ is coming on here and sharing our actual experiences. Ok, so we had more than one incident and others only had one incident, others had zero and so on. How come only the person that had the one or less incident should share? I would like to think the reader can take into account all the feedback and make a decision for themselves. We should not censor our experiences so they still want to go to temptations. For us the camera experiences can not come close to outweighing meeting a great group of people, drinking our asses off, partying hard into the wee hours of the morning, [the rest is censored], etc. So 100% we are coming back. However, do you really want to convince the person to go to temptations if when they take into account the positive and negative feedback they decide the resort is not right for them? I dont. The board provides information so everyone can make an educated decision based on their preferences in a vacation.

    Now lets see if you can stay away :icon_smile:
  4. RobnStew

    RobnStew Addict Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2007
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    That same old place, Sweet Home, Chicago
    +66 / 0
    I've been lurking this thread and it doesn't seem like there is much more to say.

    That said, I can't remember who put it up there, but I agree that the chances of SPECIFICALLY FINDING yourself online through a name search are slim and none, but there are folks that post the pics they've taken at the resort, whether for innocent use or nefariously to a porn site. And therefore, you will find yourself online if you try hard enough.

    My wife's point of view is "I'm 47, I've had three kids, I've got a little pooch and some love handles, and well, yeah, nice boobs. But there are far better things to take pictures of than me. Therefore, screw it, I'm having fun. If someone wants to take my picture that badly, what am I going to do about it? And it's not like I'm doing anything wrong or illegal."

    That continues to be her opinion despite the fact that shortly after we got back from our trip, we thought it would be fun to go onto Flickr, Photobucket and Webshots and look for pictures with the tags Blue Bay Getaway taken between the dates of our trip to see if we could see different perspectives on what we saw. Did the search on Flickr and wham - there she was. Now thankfully, it wasn't some telephoto zoom shot of her rubbing lotion on the girls - she was actually in the background of another couple's shot, slightly out of focus. But nonetheless, it was a bit unsettling for her to see that, literally on the first page of the first search we did.

    After I pointed out to her the level of search we had to do to get that, she felt way better about it, but it certainly gave her a moment.

    The point? It's a known risk. I think that perhaps posting a camera policy of "polite use" on the signs where they say "Topless only, no naked" on the wall, might be a good idea. I also think they should totally ban cameras at lingerie night and any event like that. But at the pool? No - the vacation pics are great - and I'm in total agreement with Rob and others that it would be a buzz kill if that happened.

    Ok, we can now bury the dead horse.

  5. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    +3 / 1

    what is up with you dude

    you just keep getting better with age.

    you are on a roll

    but can i add one small tid bit here if i may...........being on the serious side

    for me the hardest part in all cases (regarldess of cancuncare or any other forum) is watching people make decisions (of any type) based upon a couple of threads on a computer or a television commercial, or a preachers comments or whatever

    i mean really

    make decisions on a number of factors not just from reading a couple of posts. or watching the nightly news for christs sake -

    use your god given brain -

    one of the best examples of a case like this was the world ending catastrophic swine flu pandemic which started about this time last year

    the media caught wind of a minor news story and blew it so far our of proportion and all then all of the doomsday gullibles jumped on the apocalypse bandwagon canceled trips begged god for forgiveness, and went and hid in their basements for a year


    for what?

    honestly.............................a few simple words that were brodcast public but realistically had no validity whatsoever

    of course t and i did not buy into this american media hype - simply because those idiots have no f'n clue whatsoever............and if i have to make critical decisions on the media and the media alone - then somebody find a three inch thick metal pipe, tie my head down on a concrete block, beat the shit out of me and chunk my dumb ass in a polluted ditch

    - so we did our own research and found out that the truth of the matter was there was NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER in cancun

    i like to believe that people are smarter than this..............but sometimes my boy jim.........when i see the way people jump on stage coach bandwagons and are eat up with gullibleitis.......

    i do wonder


  6. jmg944t

    jmg944t Guest

    +0 / 0
    If people really think cameras are something that should keep you away from Temptation there is always the quiet pool and the beach. If you go there you would be less likely to be photographed than at a different topless resort. Why would the perv's go there when the real crazyness is around the corner?

    It could be the best camera shy sleight of hand ever.
  7. RobnStew

    RobnStew Addict Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Likes Received:
    That same old place, Sweet Home, Chicago
    +66 / 0

    Rob, you rock man. I'm buying a plane ticket, flying to Dallas and buying you and Tanya a beer. Meet me at DFW in 3 hours.

  8. christiger

    christiger Regular Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2010
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    Montreal Quebec Canada
    +0 / 0
    OK so we done now....Backs so i can get you up to Montreal for a beer and a couple of chuckles you get the last post... But also i'm sure Rob & T will want to come so they can have the last word after you and then we'll take this of the thread. As we all now we have tried to ruin everyone's vacation and some poor suckers have decided not to come to Temptations beacause of this post. Oh well we're still going to continue to have the time of our lives and if any of you want to see some hot pics of me and my wife just pv me and i'll hook you up as i know you're not pervs. Nuff said let's move on to the next subject How bout those Olympics anyone see them or we all on this post !!!
  9. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    +3 / 1
    lol dont get me started :)

    my other pet peeve are these dumbass jurrors who convict innocent people day in and day out on circumstantial evidence - simply because

    in their words

    "he looked like he did it the way he acted and eveything" and "there was no way it could have been anyone else"

    - even though there was not a shred of real evidence he could have done it

    f'n dumb ass gullible people will send an innocent person to jail without a shred of forensic evidence

    this is why i detest gullible people in all forms and fashions

    sorry for the rant - its just a personal problem of mine :aktion060:

    please forgive me

  10. 4biddenpleasrs

    4biddenpleasrs I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Toronto, ON, Canada
    +0 / 0
    Why should anyone be relegated to the quiet pool because they don't want their picture taken?

    Lets also send over anyone that doesn't want to take their top off.. *LOL*

    TR controlled cameras once before.. they can do it again. Again, I'm not talking about an all out ban but CONTROL.

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