As with alot of things a few spoil it for many, One other small piece of the solution could be to get close to him and take some pictures of the dude clearly showing his face (which should make him uncomfortable) and then instruct him to go to cancuncare forum and look under the creepers with cameras thread (the one Steve will create and pin lol) and see his pictures with all the other losers for the TTR regulars to see. give him the option of deleting the picture or be posted as a creeper.
My husband and I were at TTR for the first time Feb. 16-23. We had read this thread before we left and so we really didn't know what to think. But we never had a problem. I even had someone ask to take a picture. The only instance for us was some guys we had met, it was their last day and they were by the pool taking a couple of pictures, so I made sure I turned over on my stomach just incase and then at lingerie night a women took a picture and Chino's yelled at her and she apologized quickly. But that was it. For us the trip was amazing and without incident.
I like that idea. Something happened when BBG changed to TTR. When it was BBG, cameras were never an issue. Now it is constantly brought up by various people. At BBG there was a no cameras allowed policy at most of the evening games. There was MUCH more participation, and there games were 10 times wilder than they are now. This is a benefit of restricted camera usage. Rob, I wish you could have experienced an "Anything Goes" or "Kissing Contest"....amazing-it more than makes it worth leaving the camera in the room for the evening. During the day, the entertainment staff did an excellent job policing inappropriate camera usage. The current self policing method is going result in a fight and somebody getting thrown in a Mexican jail. More to say on the subject, but work is calling. Marsh
yerp pissing and moaning all the way to dollyworld in all of about 7 weeks its f'n miserable there - fer sho ill be sure and take a few pics of just how pissy i get when i go there the best rob
Someone posted that TR has a facebook page and a discussion section that they're asking for feed back from people. I've put my 2p in. Anyone else interested should also put theirs in. The squeaky wheel gets the grease
I started another post about petitions and taking them to management....before I knew about the comment cards and the website comment section on Facebook. Everyone should put the major concerns on these cards/comment section......can't complain that there is a problem if management doesn't think or know that most of the guests agrees that there is a problem....... Side note you know how hard it would be for someone to find you on the web in a topless/lingerie picture? Your name would have to be tagged.....someone would have to be posting to something with the resort name tagged....and in either case.....they would know the person who tagged your name because why would they be searching someones personal site without knowing them and as far as searching the resort name....if the person has gone that far to search a TTR post....then they are probably open minded people too.......One question....does ANYBODY know of anybody who was found in topless Temptation pictures? I think this is a bit ridiculous....I am more concerned about getting up at 5:30 to get a chair! The odds of the picture thing happening are astronomical.....and if you are so hot that a guy wants to take a picture of you (or your wife/girlfriend)....and thinks it is worthy of posting it or getting pleasure from it....then be thankful that you (or she) is so HOT! sorry for the rambling!
No problem with cameras last July, some men even asked my husband 'hey can I take a picture with your wife?'. He said sure, I kind looked at him strange and thought why I'm I taking a picture with this stranger but of well...SMILE! Have yet to find those pics on the internet.