Loosers and their cameras

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Sundance, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. TomNRoz

    TomNRoz Addict Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2009
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    that dude would have had to have his finger dislodged from his nose at the nearest hospital!! pictures are one thing....touch my wife(g/f, whatever) without my/her permission, and it`s ON!!
    that said.....can`t wait for Thursday!!
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    If you want to PM me your previous username I'll get it fixed up for you.
  3. danaandcat

    danaandcat Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Halifax N.S. Canada
    +1 / 0
    Agreed, Say it like a man... not a creepy fella in the bushes.... Whatever, I,m gonna enjoy the sun and drinks......Hopefully waterproof cameras are also shock proof........
  4. danaandcat

    danaandcat Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Halifax N.S. Canada
    +1 / 0
    I dont think there would be any time for denial.. She says it happened.......... Nighty night !!
  5. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Sorry. I posted this on a trip report that started another camera debate and I just realized I should have posted it here so here goes...

    I am hearing a lot of stating of the problems and a lot of disagreement on the problems but not many solutions. We should be focusing on solutions instead. But first I have to share our experiences and opinions from last week. I just can't resist reiterating the problem.

    People taking pictures of naked people they do not know at Temptation is way out of control and is the number one problem with the resort! I can't count on both hands the number of incidents, including directly involving us and friends, during our 5 days at the pool and 1 night at lingerie night.

    Single guy (known as creepy old surfer dude by those of us there last week) sitting 3 feet from my wifes feet on the end of the pool and attempting to snap picks. Keep in mind there were a million other places to sit but he choose three feet.

    Three mid twenties slowing their speed as they passed the chairs pretending to be using iPhones and then snapping away and then moving to a jog as I got up to try to see how far I could throw an iPhone.

    lingerie night, just an estimate, but 10? Cameras flashing at chinos lingerie table. Of course he yelled and got upset but he can't really run the party AND police at the same time.

    During mikes famous ladies no holds barred arm wrestling tourny, single Italian mafia snapping away. In this situation mike called him out and with the support of the other angry husbands the photo was deleted and camera put away. However, without the group support I am pretty sure this situation would have ended differently based on the guys initial response. Good work mike.

    Monday pool. Worse day for this problem of the week. Can't list them all so I will just share my most direct experience. During the mr temp competition guys get out of the pool bar and all the ladies are told to congregate in the pool bar area for the show and some participation. So I stand at the upper pool bar to watch the fun. So 5 mins in I watch the guy in front of me zoom In on my wifes chest and face and snap a shot. Then turns to his two buddies and proceeds to make the typical comments single guys would do in this situation. I tap his shoulder and politely ask him to delete the pic. He says f off and I proceed to not so nicely tell him I am going to chuck his camera as far as I can if he doesn't. Thankfully I am a big guy and he made the right choice.

    I get into so much detail because I want others to understand the problem as we experienced it first hand last week. So now I spent so much time I don't have time to talk solutions but I will be back later tonight for that.

    I will add though that despite this we had an amazing time. One of the best weeks of our lives. Also we will be back. We will not let this drive us away from an amazing resort. But this is a major problem and I get frustrated as he'll when people can't see that. Or maybe they do see that and everything gets lost in the singles, banning, etc part of the debate.

    Be back later to talk solutions! Thanks for reading my rambling!
  6. backs13

    backs13 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Rhinebeck, New York
    +16 / 1
    I think that was a great post... I think your right, Rob has mentioned this a few times too, people worry to much about who to blame instead of how to solve...its a shame when situations like you mention happen cuz its your vacation and you shouldnt have to worry about stuff like that....I think a lot of these threads keep going and going cuz someone will bash singles or the want a camera ban , then a single guy or a camera fan gets on here and bashes back, and nothing is really solved it just becomes a pissing contest lol.......
  7. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    I just thought I would come in here and say that I escaped the bush and last night had my first beer in a month...

    It was GLORIOUS and everything I imagined it could be! Now I may have to go back up north but the money will soon be in my account (thank god for mileage reimbursments) and I will be able to book... Hopefully for early April maybe even late March?

    Might be time for Cancun to start bringing in extra beer.

    Oh yeah keep a drink in each of my hands and there will be no way possible for me to take a picture of anyone!!!
  8. Dave and Ellie

    Dave and Ellie Banned

    Feb 25, 2010
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    Va Beach
    +2 / 0
    Dave's reaction won't be that polite

    Dave is a retired NFL'er. He will hurt some one...............he will ask nicely once.....then he will seriously hurt someone. Pleeeeeeeeeease don't make Dave mad!

  9. backs13

    backs13 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Rhinebeck, New York
    +16 / 1
    Welcome back to civilization buddy....
  10. jmg944t

    jmg944t Guest

    +0 / 0
    The last day I took several pictures of everyone around the pool no matter what they were wearing and I didn't ask a damn soul.

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