Thanks for the tip. Ok. I'll throw a line out there. This is going to sound crazy, but he used to work for some guys that took tourists to see lions at a ranch outside of Cancun. Yes, I went and petted a lion. :roll: Wasn't one of my proudest moments. Anyone? Anything ring a bell?
Sarita, I just PMed you, but my sentbox is still showing that it's empty. Let me know if you got the PM!
Sarah, I've been dating my boyfriend who lives in Cancun for over 5 years. He's worked at BBG all that time but many of his friends have left BBG and moved on to other resorts and restaurants. A few of them are selling tours. So it's possble that Dany (my boyfriend) or someone he knows might know something about your friend. I'm always amazed how many people he and his friends know. Send me a PM if you think I might be able to help. Either way, good luck.
Ok its a long shot but we gave a lift to a good looking guy who spoke English that lives just outside Cancun and his uncle has a place with a lion and some wolves and a tiger- sound familiar? If so Pm me. Good Luck Tracey
Ah. Pepe's Tigers. He owns a crap load of land (donated to him by the federal govt I think) on the cancun-tulum highway on the lagoon side just out past Bonfil. That's where he keeps most of his wild animals, who are mostly rescues from circuses.
No Drew it was out at Playa Blanca- out past Punta Sam and he said he was nothing to do with Pepes. He was hitch hiking and had like 6 dogs around him- 3 were not dogs they were wolves.Interesting guy about 30 yrs old ish. Tracey