Hi everyone, going Temptation with 3 other blokes from London in may, whats the drill with the a la carte restaurants...how many times are u limited to visiting each?
Hi! You can eat at the speciality restaurants as many times as you can be motivated to go at 10am-ish to go and make your reservation, it's unlimited
Can definitely recommend making the effort to book as well - we thought that both the service and the food were excellent in the Italian and the Asian restaurants, we didnt get to try the other two.....
Thanks for your advice....u seem pretty knowledgable on this subject. Off the point a touch but were all 24 so naturally were looking at getting women back to this hotel...realistically speaking are security on the case with this making sure noone from outside the hotel gets in? If so I guess will have to see what we can see at the pool haha.
The "getting girls into the resort past security" subject isnt on that I'm at all knowledgable on :lol: In fact, think when we were there we only went outside the front door once after we'd checked in, and that was to take a photo of the front of the resort! May be others can comment further on that, but we found all we needed in the resort itself, think there tends to be quite a few single ladies around as well!
I would think that if they weren't guests and didn't pay the non-guest fee of around $80.00/day and you guys got caught?? Could possibly be expulsion from the hotel. Not sure but I think that the management might be able to get a little "Pricky" at times too. Just a thought guys!! Good luck! :flash:
the only way to get inside the front door is with a wrist band, and security is very vigal in checking for it.
Pls ignore my last question. Just looked at the website. Didn't realise they'd started letting singles book. Wish we'd known before we booked tho (no disrespect to u guys)