live trip report from across the street of coco bongos

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by royale, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. royale

    royale Addict Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2008
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    Anaheim, CA
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    yea at that one cyber cafe, that does tatoos .. I dropped 55 pesos to use this shiz for an hour. Thought I´d give you guys some tips before u get here.

    first day has been pretty much just settling in. Tonight I m hitting up the Gunit concert at the city , as recommended by Norma. I ended up figuring out the bus system in like 5 minutes. Just take the R1 and the R2, it takes you everywhere you really need to go.

    I went down to the walmart, and pretty much got everything I needed. I dont know why people waste all kinds of mad cash at the axxo place. 7'11 wannabee. One advice if you are wearing low cut kswisses .. dont stand on that damn center divider when crossing the streets. The red ants will eat up anything they can bite on.

    Also another thing that nagged me was the shared shuttle. I had to spend like 30 mins listening to some broad saying how the oasis is off the hook , but she ended up staying at the dos playas like me. Anyway.. its the first day. I m gonna try to get in on the free net at starbucks. But who the f$ck hauls a laptop around at night.

    Oh yea, I made up this sweet ass drinks. Its called Barritos and Sky blue vodka. Grab some ice at your hotel restaurant and try it out kiddos.

    have a good one, maybe I will run into some of you at Pat O Briens tommorow.
  2. silver3901

    silver3901 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    West Chester/Philly PA
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    dam i didnt know gunit was going to be there to? I missed out going the 1st week I only saw fall out boy which i dont even like...
  3. LeoGets

    LeoGets Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    post up some pics of 50
  4. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well up close and personal trip report eh?
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