You were right... Hi Tori - You are right on so many levels. You were right to speak your mind and provide an unbiased insight into the difference between timeshare ownership and vacation club. I also agree that, if you are going to be taking vacations, the vacation club is the way to go. In my opinion, timeshares are not a good investment, vacations clubs are unless you don't want to spend money on taking vactaions. You were also right about the condescending tone some people take when answering posts. You did nothing wrong and did deserve the sarcastic attack that you received. You weren't even suggesting buying a vacation club, only differentiating them. The way you were treated makes me sad. :-( I hope you have a great day.
Seriously Considering Moving to Cancun Hello Erika, My girlfriend and I are seriously considering moving to Cancun. She is currently a customer service manager and I am seeking any kind of employment: background in IT, professional services, manufacturing management/consulting and sales. Can you send us some more information about your position, compensation, schedule, etc. and also can you recommend any source for getting info on FAQ's for living in Cancun (cost of living, tips, etc.) Thanks! Hg & Jamie
ToriB - OOPS please forgive my omission - I should have written "You did nothing wrong and did NOT deserve..." Sorry about that.