She is freaked out....and I guess the teacher and the school aren't too happy about it either. Apparently that picture was never printed..supposedly. The kids all made those faces right as the photographer was taking the picture so he took another which was used as the class picture. But that particular picture wasn't offered to parents to buy and should never have been printed. I have a feeling the school will be talking to that photographer. Thankfully, there is nothing in the picture that would alert any weirds to where the kids go to schoool or anything but as a mother those are some of the first things Laura thought of. I have to admit that those thoughts didn't even occur to me. Probably cause I'm not a mother and don't think like one.
That photographer could lose a lot of $$$ if he loses whatever contract he may have with the school :!: :!: I don't think he belongs taking pictures of children if he is the reason this photo is now in circulation :!: :!:
Not at all, Fletch. My friend, Laura (who is origianlly from your neck of the woods..Westport..) isn't thrilled that it's out here but she is happy to know about it. Thanks to you she does. And BTW, Fletch....I went to the post office today. :lol:
well glad i could be a little help and yayyy thanks ill let u know when i get it and go to the PO myself
If you hadn't someone else might have :!: That sense of humor is right up our alley :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock: Wonder if his parents have seen it :shock: :shock: